How to Highlight Changes Between Two Versions of LaTeX Files

When working with LaTeX documents, it’s often necessary to compare two versions of a file to identify changes. This guide will walk you through the process of highlighting differences between two LaTeX files using latexdiff.


Before proceeding, ensure you have the following tools installed:

  • LaTeX Distribution: Install a LaTeX distribution like TeX Live (for Linux/Windows) or MacTeX (for macOS).
  • Diff Tools: Install a diff tool such as:
    • latexdiff (recommended for LaTeX-specific comparisons).

Using latexdiff

latexdiff is a Perl script specifically designed to compare two LaTeX files and produce a new LaTeX file with highlighted changes.

Step 1: Install latexdiff

If you’re using a LaTeX distribution like TeX Live or MacTeX, latexdiff is likely already installed. Check via:

latexdiff --version

If it’s not installed, you can install it via:

sudo apt-get install latexdiff  # For Debian/Ubuntu
brew install latexdiff          # For macOS (using Homebrew)

If brew is not installed on your macOS, install via:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Step 2: Compare Two LaTeX Files

Run the following command to compare old.tex and new.tex:

latexdiff old.tex new.tex > diff.tex

This will generate a new file diff.tex with the following highlights:

  • Additions: Marked in blue with an underline.
  • Deletions: Marked in red with a strikethrough.

Step 3: Compile the Output

Compile the diff.tex file using your LaTeX editor or command-line tool:

pdflatex diff.tex

This will produce a PDF where changes are visually highlighted.

Customization: You can customize the output using additional options:

Use --type=CFONT to highlight changes using colored text instead of underlines and strikethroughs:

latexdiff --type=CFONT old.tex new.tex > diff.tex

Use --flatten to expands \input and \include commands for comparison:

latexdiff --flatten old.tex new.tex > diff.tex

To color what is added and not show what has been deleted, use the following options:

latexdiff --append-textcmd="textcolor{blue}" --exclude-textcmd="st" old.tex new.tex > diff.tex

To exclude differences in changing the image size, use the following option:

latexdiff --graphics-markup=0 old.tex new.tex > diff.tex


latexdiff --type=CFONT --append-textcmd="textcolor{blue}" --exclude-textcmd="st" --graphics-markup=0 old.tex new.tex > diff.tex

For more details, see: Marking up differences between latex files with latexdiff