About me :)

I am now a second year Ph.D. student based at the Centre for Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Department of Computer Science at University College London (UCL), supervised by Dr Vasileios Lampos. I finished my Master of Research degree (Hamlyn Prize) at the Hamlyn Centre/Department of Surgery and Cancer, Imperial College London, supervised by Dr Benny Lo. I obtained BSc degree (Honor Student) in Remote Sensing Science and Technology from Wuhan University in 2021. My research interests focus on Artificial Intelligence for healthcare.

😊😊😊 If you have a question or desire to cooperate, just send an email to me.

📢 I am also looking for industry (research) internship in summer 2025. Please reach out if you have any openings that I might be a fit for.

may u needs ✨

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